1. /
  2. Docs
  3. /
  4. PteroRUST-WipeInterface
  5. /
  6. Dependencies


In order to run the Application, you are required to to have a webserver with the following requirements:

  • PHP 7.3 or 8.0 (recommended) with the following extensions:
    • cli,
    • openssl
    • gd
    • mysql
    • PDO
    • mbstring
    • tokenizer
    • bcmath
    • xml or dom
    • curl
    • zip
    • gmp
    • fpm if you are using NGINX.

  • MySQL 5.7.22 or higher (MySQL 8 recommended) or MariaDB 10.2 or higher.
  • A webserver (Apache, NGINX, Caddy, etc.)

Important: While it is possible to run this on a shared host it is no recommended at all since you will need to set up a cronjob that runs every minute!

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