1. /
  2. Docs
  3. /
  4. Discord GSM+
  5. /
  6. Configuration


Below is an example config.json file, all the settings should be self-explainatory. If you bought a copy of the PteroRUST WipeInterface there is support for it build in, for RUST servers it can, if configured, show the next wipes date and time. The channel where server statistics are posted and updated in should really only have messages from Discord GSM+ in it!

Do not go below 15 seconds(15000ms) update interval if you have more than 5 servers.

Thanks to gamedig Discord GSM+ supports a wide range of games, have a look at the supported games here: https://github.com/gamedig/node-gamedig

Important: After editing the config/adding new servers, stop Discord GSM+, remove all messages in the channel and then start it again.

Make a copy of the included example-config and edit it to fit your needs:

cp example.config.json config.json 
  "discord_bot_token": "",
  "discord_channel_id": "",
  "update_interval": 45,
  "gamedig_udp_port": 5000,
  "debug" : true,
  "pterorust_support": {
    "enable_pterorust": false,
    "pterorust_baseurl": "",
    "pterorust_api_token": "",
    "update_interval": 3600
  "embed_settings": {
    "title"      : "Here's a list of our Gameservers!",
    "description": "There are currently **<players>** of **<maxplayers>** players across all our servers!\n \u200B",
    "color"      : "#00f078",
    "footer"     : {
      "text": "lethal.network",
      "logo": "https://lethal.network/u/d7fea21b-3c5c-41e3-9f01-ecd431e18b1d/SquareLogo_192px.png"
  "servers": [
      "name": "lethal.network #1 - Minicopter | X2",
      "type": "rust",
      "ip": "play.lethal.network",
      "port": "28015",
      "pterorust": {
        "enable": true,
        "alias": "mini"
      "name": "lethal.network #2 - OneGrid | X2",
      "type": "rust",
      "ip": "play.lethal.network",
      "port": "28005",
      "pterorust": {
        "enable": true,
        "alias" : "grid"
      "name": "lethal.network #3 - Vanilla Minecraft",
      "type": "minecraft",
      "ip": "play.lethal.network",
      "port": "25565",
      "pterorust": {
        "enable": false,
        "alias": ""
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